Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Screw City Hall

Well... As you know our second choice of wedding venue was Sheffield City Hall. It was my Mums idea which I fought at first but the more I looked at it the more I came around to it. The building is beautiful, the surroundings very picturesque, would get some great shots of th day by the fountain or the local botanical gardens. My parents and a couple of friends could attend.. it seemed a good choice. So it was decided. I happened to email the Hall today and request a brochure, I wanted to see the rooms, costs etc, and was told our party was too small. Apparently their rooms are too large for such a small ceremony. Huh! 
I must say I was never in love with City Hall as our venue, I wasn't dying to get married there, it just seemed to please everyone else and I didn't hate it. But it was no Vegas.
Vegas was always the dream. It was a tough one 'cause holidays need to be booked, money needs to be saved and these things must be planned. The beauty of a vegas wedding is you can elope at a moments notice with no planning and without telling a soul.. that wouldn't work for us. More frustrating is that Lee is still waiting for his divorce to go to court so who knows how long it will be until we can actually do this thing. ARGH! I'm ready to tear my hair out at this point.
Anyway... All being well we will put some money aside and be able to book the trip as soon as his divorce is final. I do really still love the Chapel Of The Bells, it's so beautiful and seriously fantastic value. 
I will update soon.. in the meantime I'm going to be uploading more  ideas posts.. just to distract me from the everyday.

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