When Lee and I decided to get engaged I knew what I wanted to do but wasn't sure everyone would understand. My Mum had made comment in the past about changing the ring, I worried I might upset her. Lee bought a stand in ring to propose... (tiffany dontcha know ;)) I'll do a whole other post on the proposal if you're interested.
Later I took the diamond from my Grandmothers ring and attended a design day at Ernest Jones (hence me bigging them up all the time)
I loved it! The designer basically took my childlike sketch and recreated it exactly as I pictured it in my mind!
I loved her input.. we got to calculate the costs with different metals and surrounding stones. I settled on two pear shaped amethysts (my birthstone) either side of the diamond and lots of tiny diamonds in the ring mount.
It has a very vintage feel.
I love that the diamond in my ring is so old. It was second hand when my Grandmother got it so it's at least 100 years old and that's lovely to me. I wasn't previously in the family to my knowledge so I have no idea where it came from or what it's seen.. It could have been to fabulous parties or been part of a bigger piece... who knows? It just makes it a little more interesting. Reusing old jewellery in engagement rings has apparenltly become quite popular with the recession and all... This was in part why I did it... although with the ring design costs and the stand in rock it cost as much as new :p
So this is my ring now...
Have any of you reused a family heirloom as an engagement/wedding/eternity ring?
I love the stories so please share :)
And anyone who's had a ring made... you too!!!
miss bb
I love your ring my has a vintage look to it im getting married in april but im so frustrated to point that im ready to go to the court house and get it over with lol
ReplyDeleteyeah that's how i felt the first time but i wasn't in a rush to be married.. just to have a big party and a new ring :p
ReplyDeletedifferent this time..
We might end up doing a register office wedding..
I'd love to elope to new york but we're not patient lol xx